This story will display in ...Nov 19, 2012 12:35 PM   Come and watch one of Jon Pertwee's finest Doctor Who stories with us!If you're in San Francisco on Saturday, you absolutely must come to the inaugural classic Doctor Who screening, the first of many. We've teamed up with BBC America and the folks from SF in SF to bring you monthly screenings of Doctor Who stories in downtown SF. This is something that's already been happening in a few other cities, but now we're doing it in San Francisco, too.
This month: "Claws of Axos," one of my all-time favorite Jon Pertwee stories. It's just been reissued as a special edition DVD, and we'll be watching the newly beautifully restored picture and maybe some of the special features. Also, we'll be giving away copies of the new DVD, and all you have to do is answer some trivia questions. And I'll be standing up and explaining just why "Claws of Axos" is an unsung masterpiece. (In a nutshell: Pertwee is at his thorny best, the Master has some of his best action, UNIT gets some crazy stunt scenes, there's a sticky political message, and the alien invaders aren't your typical alien race of people in suits. Oh, and there's the most hilariously fake American ever.)
Come hang out with us on Saturday! We'll drink Sonic Screwdrivers and celebrate the greatness of Jon Pertwee! It's at the Variety Room at 4 PM. (Update: I should point out seating is limited, so get there early.) Details here: SF in SF.

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